The Art of Storytelling with Brian Rose at London Real Academy

Adam Nowakowski
4 min readDec 19, 2017

Picture me in my living room, standing next to an ironing board, holding the iron in my hand and pressing it against my white shirt that I decided to wear next day for work. It was then when I had my head set on and was listening to the London Real Podcast on “Speaking to Inspire”.

As much as I loved the content, the presentation, the promises and overall structure of the course, I hesitated to join. I though, “What do I know? I have nothing to say. I’m just some Polish software guy living abroad who’s stuck in his job and is afraid to pull a trigger. Why am I even thinking about it? Someone like me will never be listened to… and I have an accent”.

Adam, just do it, you have nothing to loose”. My intuition said to me… and this time I decided to listen.

So there I was, ready to overcome my fears and challenge my limits!

“All man have limits. They learn what they are and learn not to exceed them. I ignore mine.” — Batman

So now, I am London Real Academy graduate and I want to share with you why you too can change your life (as well as life of the others) by joining the course and becoming a better speaker, better storyteller, better person.

First of all, you will learn about the structure and the art of story telling. It will be structured and divided into little modules, each of which will make you get out of your comfort zone. Quickly, I understood how shitty I was with my conversations, story telling abilities and my presentation skills. Just about the time when I realized that, Brian made me (and all the others) stream my speech LIVE on Facebook! This was painful. I knew I suck… still, I had to do it. There were no excuses. We were all in the same boat. Posting this shitty speech of mine motivated me to move on, improve, get better, get more comfortable with posting… and now, I can do it anytime, it’s like my second nature. Believe me, you will hate it and love it at the same time.

Secondly, I learned how to become vulnerable and use my emotions to make my speeches more interesting for the audience. This was the hardest part of the course and I know I still have a lot of work to do in this area. As a male, in my past, I was thought that showing my emotions is a sign of weakness… but guess what, it’s all bullshit! Opening up and going to where the fear, discomfort and pain is, makes the speech real and inspiring. Many people can identify with you when they feel the depth of the story you tell. On my team, I’ve had people sharing their “darkest” and “brightest” moments, always talking from the heart. We were all in it, we were all pushing our emotions out in order to become REAL and INSPIRING! This was often painful and required a lot of hard work. It was also something that bound us together like a family.

Lastly, what makes this course special and different from all the others is the “NO MAN LEFT BEHIND” policy. I joined a team of like minded people from all around the world who wanted ME to succeed. Just that fact, just that simple fact is so extraordinary. Whenever I had a feeling of giving up, when the excuses came to my mind and my own laziness stopped me from doing progress, my team was there for me. You will not get it anywhere else.

I’m a different person now. I feel the course empowered me with skills so many other people are not even aware of. This is not all, my entire perspective on life got shifted towards “loving myself and doing the things I love”, towards giving instead of taking, towards doing instead of overthinking, towards turning a simple conversation, a story into a beautiful art which inspires others.

I finally decided to pull the trigger and start my own YouTube channel and continue streaming content I’m passionate about and think other people will find helpful and interesting. This is something that I could not imagine doing before taking this class.

I can not stress enough how grateful I am to Brian Rose, his team and my team mates for making “Speak to Inspire” course such a great experience. I appreciate the work and effort put into the creation of this course and believe that it will affect masses and make our world a better place. After all, everything we know is a story told us by someone, why not make that stories beautiful, positive and REAL!

So if you managed to read this far, I now know that you too have an amazing story to share with the world. To share it in the best possible way, you need to inspire your audience. This course is REAL. So go to, mouse over on the accelerators tab and listen to your intuition and your heart.

